Friday 20th September 2024
Location: The Glen, Castlecomer, Moneenroe, County Kilkenny, R95 ERW3
Clogh Writers will host Culture Night 2024 in the local community. Different aspects of local and wider culture will be celebrated through, words, music, dance and local drama. The focus for the event will be on times: past, present and future.
Aspects of our local culture will be celebrated, including coal mining, gardening, farming, cottages and buildings, local games and traditions from our past.
Participation from local schools, local and visiting artists and performers will help to make this an enjoyable and creative evening.
The Wheel of Life/Rotha an tSaoil will be an open event and groups and individuals from the local community will take part. It will provide an opportunity for people to gather and come together in our own locality and to share experiences. Also, it will be a time when different age groups can join in celebrating a shared culture and its many different aspects through the generations.
Organisers Website