Saturday 04th November 2023
Location: R95 T6D0
Kilfane House Kilfane Demense R95 T6D0 THOMASTOWN Ireland
Understanding how the angels communicate with you and becoming more receptive to their guidance for your life is an important part of growing spiritually. According to spiritual teacher Lorna Byrne the most important starting point is understanding that their guidance is unique to you and that recognizing and learning from it takes resilience, perseverance, and time. As Lorna says, just as a child learns in stages, you too have to do your homework to hear your guidance more clearly. Your knowing, that is personal to you, tells you when something is good or when there is something you should step away from in your life.
This is your opportunity to spend the day with Lorna Byrne and the participants of her 2 night retreat at Sanctuary.
This beautiful day will include sessions with Sanctuary’s founder and spiritual teacher Lorna Byrne. In keeping with her style of guidance Lorna will tailor the activities, teachings and exercises to suit the exact needs of the group attending.
The day will include a mixture of guided meditations, talks and exercises with Lorna and time for reflection in nature or the comfort of Sanctuary.
As part of your ticket you will be served lunch and the invitation to stay for a light supper with the retreat participants that evening if you should so wish.
This is a wonderful opportunity to experience part of a Lorna Byrne retreat without the full commitment of a 2 night stay and to meet like minded individuals and enjoy learning and sharing together.
Organisers Website