Kinfire Festival

Thursday 17th August 2023
Location: Kilkenny College Castlecomer Road

The Kinfire festival is for the whole church: every age, situation and ability, from all over Ireland – we are kin because of him. During the festival, we will gather together in worship, under God’s word, to be equipped and encouraged to serve Jesus wherever he has placed us. Our passion is to be a festival that celebrates and serves the local church because it is God’s chosen means for reaching the lost of this land.

Each evening we will gather for our main celebration and hear from GARY MILLAR, (originally from Ireland, now Principal of Queensland Theological College), as he speaks about the glory and goodness of the local church as the gathered people of God on mission for his great name’s sake!

FUN FOR EVERY AGE: We are a festival, not a conference which means serious teaching AND serious craic!
Organisers Website

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