Thursday 15th February 2024
Location: The Set Theatre, John St.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2024 19:30
All shows are over 18’s unless specified
(once purchased, tickets cannot be refunded, unless the event is cancelled)
Jason Byrne, half man, half natural disaster. Over the course of his accident-prone life Jason has been rebuilt from the ground up. Bits removed, metal pins, new knee, and an eye that’s been treated, over the years, by the medical profession like a game of Pong. This all culminated last year with heart surgery, twice! He enjoyed it so much he went back for more.
Join the most gifted live comedian on the planet as he invites you to laugh at his misfortune.
If he tried to say Schadenfreude, he’d probably dislocate his tongue.
“The Outright King of Live Comedy”
The Times
“There is nobody else on the planet who makes me laugh like that. Your world will be a better place after seeing Jason live”.
– The Newcastle Chronicle.
Organisers Website