Tuesday 21th November 2023
Location: R95 T6D0
Kilfane House Kilfane Demense R95 T6D0 THOMASTOWN Ireland
Join James Haughey, horticulturist and head gardener at Sanctuary. Sanctuary aims to be a haven for Irish biodiversity with its 11 acres of old woodland, organic vegetable walled gardens and orchard streams, river and pond. Come and explore the wonderful world of soil and all it has to offer while also learning some practical seasoning gardening skills such as vegetable garden planning, seeds saving, plant raising, polytunnel growing, green manures, composting and tree planting.
Garden skills workshop differ from season to season spring is for sewing sewer for plant care awesome for harvest and seed sewing seed saving and winter for tree planting and garden planning.
Getting out in the fresh country air and seeing and learning new skills is great for the body and mind. Light refreshments provided.
Organisers Website