Garron Noone

Saturday 28th June 2025
Location: The Hub Dublin Road R95 A4VP Kilkenny
✨ Like an all-performing artisanal single origin coffee bean, Garron Noone brings his signature blend of comedy and music to The Hub Kilkenny.

Noone was named one of Ireland’s “breakthrough stars” for 2023 on TikTok. He rose from having just a few thousand followers in early 2023, while posting music tutorials, to over a million in February 2024 after transitioning to comedy. His live shows are a captivating blend of his unique comedy stylings and musical performances, offering audiences a stand-out entertainment experience.

His catchphrase, “Follow me, I’m delicious” came about when he made a video that he did not think was particularly funny, so he randomly added it to the end. When he made future videos without it, he got comments from viewers asking for it. People now shout the phrase at him on the street and send him photos of objects with the word “delicious.” If you love music and comedy, Garron’s show is one not to be missed!
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