Kilkenny Brick Show

Our shows bring to life the world of Lego with huge custom made models, dioramas and MOC’s made by Lego enthusiasts.

Kilkenny – Probate Applications Masterclass

A practical 3-hour seminar

Lighting Masterclass – Residential

Anyone else find lighting a complete minefield in your home, renovation, or new build? This is the event to help clear up that confusion!

Marble City Mile Open Water Swim Event

Marble City Mile Open-water, 17th September 2022, Kilkenny


Vintage or Classic Cars or Motorbikes for sale? Why not bring them along on the day? Sell a Car €10 Sell a Motorbike €5 Display them in our outdoor sale area.

DIGITAL (Joy Division Tribute)

Digital pay homage to the groundbreaking music of one of the most influential post-punk bands of all time – Joy Division.

Brewery Corner presents the Heart of Irish Whiskey

Brewery Corner in association with the Kilkenny Whiskey Guild presents a night of fantastic whiskey from the heart of Kilbeggan!

FRAGMENTS art exhibition

Opening Reception to celebrate the launch of ‘FRAMENTS’ art exhibition on the groung floor of Kilkenny River Court.



Sullivan’s Taproom 7th Birthday Party

Join us Monday 28th August 2023 to celebrate our little Taproom