TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2024 19:00
(once purchased, tickets cannot be refunded, unless the event is cancelled)
Seed Talks presents The Science of Psychede…

Age Friendly Healthy Homes

Linda will present on her role as part of the Healthy Age Friendly Homes Programme

Kilkenny Age Friendly Strategy

Kilkenny County Council and its partners are currently developing a new Age Friendly Strategy.

What Does Being Physically Active Mean?

Seamus will cover the benefits of being physically active and discuss the physical activity guidelines

Dementia Awareness

This presentation will cover early signs and symptoms of Dementia and advice for living well with dementia in your community.

Ageing Well in the Community

This presentation will focus on positive ageing and how to prevent frailty in older adults. T

My Father’s Wake by Kevin Toolis

Ancient Voices presents My Father’s Wake: How the Irish Teach Us to Live, Love and Die by Kevin Toolis By Ancient Voices at Kells Priory 14 followers

RASA NUA @ Fennelly’s of Callan

RASA NUA from Cork play original music drawing from the worlds of Indian classical, jazz, blues, Klezmer and contemporary music.

Luka Bloom

This enchanting setting promises an extraordinary experience that will make this performance by Luka Bloom truly special.

Mastermind “Taster” Workshop

Come and experience how being in a Mastermind Group can help you grow and improve your business!