Castleinch Kilkenny Market

Castleinch Kilkenny Market & Car Boot Sale


Join us for our end of summer party! 🙂

Kilkenny Youth Choir

Develop your skills in singing and performing while growing in confidence and making new friendships!

The Monday Club

Join Tomas and Buddy for a night not to be missed!

Danny Burke

Live music at The Front Room

Drag Me To Brunch – Kilkenny

Bingo! Bubbles! Bants! .. Enjoy an evening with our queens, take part in some Bingo and relax with delicious cocktails and lots more

Community Market The Loop Community Cafe

Weekly Community Market with fresh, organic vegetables,

Kilkenny Parkrun

Join all the runners every Saturday morning at the castle park

Cillin Hill Saturday Market

Saturday Market at the Mart, Cillin Hill

Culture Night

The nineteenth edition of Culture Night will take place on Friday 20 September 2024.