Noah Smith: One Man Think Tank

Noah Smith is a true one-off, an economist of true brilliance, depth, and range. His substack is simply unmissable, covering economics, finance, geopo…

Start Up Ireland

Ireland has been hugely successful at attracting foreign direct investment, particularly from the US, as its companies seek an English-speaking footho…

The David McWilliams Podcast

The aim of David’s podcast, much like Kilkenomics itself, is to make economics easy, uncomplicated, and accessible. With the world at a political, tec…

Rory Sutherland ; How to Get Ahead in Advertising

Why is Red Bull so popular – even though everyone hates the taste? Why do countdown boards on platforms take away the pain of train delays? And why do…

Narco State or Global Breadbasket? Latin America in the 21st Century

Heading towards chaos or about to reach its potential? In what way is this giant, often overlooked, Continent heading? Join four economists from the …

Inflation: Whose to Blame? Greed, Printing or Pandemics?

Inflation has become the number one economic issue everyone is talking about. It affects the value of the money in our pockets and has sparked cost-of…

Economics and Authenticity

We live in an age when the pursuit of authenticity – from living our ‘best life’ to eating artisan food – matters more and more to us, but where the f…

Evolutionary Economics: The New Frontier

Traditional economic theories view the economy through the lens of physics with hard and fast laws, but what is the economy behaves far more like biol…

The Economics of the New Cold War

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has had serious consequences across the world, sparking food shortages, energy crises, and inflation that have destabilis…

Five Mega-Trends Shaping our World

What are the emerging themes and threads that will define the coming era of finance, geopolitics, and economics across the globe? Our panel looks at t…