Big Tech V the Nation State

Who runs the world, Big Tech or elected government? Who wins, data or democracy? We are moving from private capital to surveillance capitalism, where …

Irish Property Up, Down, Sideways

It’s Groundhog Day again…or is it? The rental sector in Ireland has collapsed to a level where houses to let, in Dublin in particular, regularly have …

The Age of the Strongman

Putin’s soldiers are getting their arses handed to them in Ukraine. Trump’s fortunes are flagging. Even the inauguration of President Xi seems like th…

The Jilted Generation

Locked out of, not just the housing market, but the rental market too, living with their parents, and thinking about emigrating, what happened to the …

The Economics of Colonialism

When the British arrived in India, the subcontinent accounted for 30% of global GDP, when they left in 1947, India’s GDP had plummeted to 3% of global…

The Economics of a United Ireland

Can We Afford it? Can we afford not to? Northern Ireland costs the UK Exchequer more than €10 billion a year, has a huge public sector, and has much l…

The Next European Crisis

Europe’s – particularly Germany’s – economic model was based on cheap gas, cheap money, and American-policed peace in Europe. Now all three are gone….

Does Marx Still Matter?

One hundred and fifty years after the publication of Das Kapital, maybe the most consequential economics book ever written, the blueprint for the cent…

Noah Smith: One Man Think Tank

Noah Smith is a true one-off, an economist of true brilliance, depth, and range. His substack is simply unmissable, covering economics, finance, geopo…

Start Up Ireland

Ireland has been hugely successful at attracting foreign direct investment, particularly from the US, as its companies seek an English-speaking footho…