Why the Dollar is Still King

Remember all the crypto, tech-bro talk about the end of the dollar? The Green-back was finished, destroyed by its own creator, the Fed, that was print…

AI Event

Bobby Healy

Brics Vs. Nato- The Global Economy Redrawn

The BRICS, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa are home to over half the world’s population, yet their representation at the top table, the…

” What Makes Germany Tick?”

Europe’s biggest economy, yet Germany remains a bit of a mystery. These days you are as likely to hear warnings about Germany’s industrial collapse, a…

Keynes VS Hayek

The two most influential and consequential economists of the 20th century find themselves part of the global battle of ideas in the 21st century. In t…

Economics in the Dock

Long regarded as all-knowing high priests whose models were akin to a religious creed laying out what we believed in, today the reputation of economis…

Led by Donkeys- The Big Con

In the past few years, more and more bits of government have been outsourced to the Big 4 consultancies. So much so that the government has been infan…

Spending Ireland’s Tax Bonanza

Ireland has lucked out! We have more money than we know what to do with it. The fiscal surpluses, stemming from huge corporation tax receipts, constit…

Being a Good Ancestor:

When Jonas Salk the man who discovered the cure for polio was asked why he never patented his wonder-drug in order to make his fortune, he replied tha…

What did Globalisation Ever do for us?

You heard the Monty Python’s “What did the Romans ever do for us” sketch, well, as anti-globalisation protests unify both far Left and far Right, we a…