Cillin Hill Saturday Market

Saturday Market at the Mart, Cillin Hill

Kilkenny Parkrun

Join all the runners every Saturday morning at the castle park

Tuesday Art workshop with Cathy Dineen*

Join us every Tuesday 12 noon til 1pm for Art with Cathy Dineen. Free Workshop Open to all.


A MAGICAL CHILDREN’S STORYTELLING & CRAFT WORKSHOP AT ROTHE HOUSERothe House invite you to join them for a delightful morning of fun at their Childre…

Rhizome Residency, Gareth Kennedy: Talk & Walk*

Time: Saturday 23 November 2024, 1.30pm to 3.30pmLocation: Butler Gallery, the Tea Houses, River Nore walkJoin us for a Talk & Walk with artist

Kevin O’Dwyer & Eugene Dewberry

Live Music every Friday night.

Generation Two

Live Music At The Dylan Bar

Live music , EVERY Friday ALL YEAR ROUND

Live Music every Friday night.

DJ. Eddie Leahy’s 80/90s Disco party

Keeping it steady with all Your classic hits.

Danny Burke

Live music at The Front Room