Halloween in the Mayfair

Halloween Storytime

Halloween in the Mayfair

Children’s Art Workshop (2)

Halloween in the Mayfair

Children’s Art Workshop (1)

Seamus Fogarty

Live in store

Kevin O’Dwyer & Eugene Dewberry

Live Music every Friday night.

Danny Burke

Live music at The Front Room

FREE Guided Tours at Butler Gallery

Butler Gallery offers FREE weekend guided-tours which provide an engaging walk-through modern and contemporary Irish art of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Castleinch Kilkenny Market

Castleinch Kilkenny Market & Car Boot Sale

Shoktober Show

It’s October and we’re back with another cracking line up of comedians that’s in no way Halloween related!

Stephen Murphy

You can go anywhere but this is the best gig in town!