Racing Every Friday Evening – Doors Open 7pm

Martin Mush Molloy @Tynan’s

Live Music this Thursday @Tynan’s

Big Johns Karaoke

Yeah know it Thursday when you see Big John roll into town.

Kilkenny Farmers Market

Visitors will get to meet the local producers, have coffee or simply get a takeaway picnic for lunch in the park.

Lisa Hannigan Ensemble

The moon has always inspired humanity, acting as a ‘cultural mirror’ to society, reflecting the ideas and beliefs of all people around the world. Over…

Baylea & Aaron

BAYLEA GRACE & AARON SMULLEN belters the both of em, Wednesday nights from 9bells

Midweek Movie Night

Wednesday movie nights is back!

Live Music In Kilkenny

We really appreciate your feedback about the live music scene in Kilkenny.

Art Exhibition: The Nature and People of Kilkenny

The Nature and People of Kilkenny

Jarlath Regan: In Bits

The Brand New Standup Comedy Show From “Yer Man” Off Instagram.After 2 years of making us laugh out loud into our phones, hundreds of millions of view…