Friday 24th January 2025
Location: Ryan’s Bar, Kilkenny
🎸 This Friday night in Ryan’s, we’ve got a serious treat for ya! MEAN STREETS are back in the house! 😎🔥 It feels like only yesterday they were rocking the place in November, and we’re delighted to have the lads from Inistioge back in the front bar. This 4-piece rock and blues band will have your feet tapping, your head bobbing, and before you know it, you’ll be up on your feet dancing to 🕺classics from Thin Lizzy, The Police, David Bowie, and more, it’s guaranteed to be a cracking night. 🎶🎶💃 But be warned, space up front is going to be scarce, so if you want to be close to the action, you’d best grab those stools early! 🍻🎸The madness kicks off at 10pm sharp, don’t miss out!!🤩✨
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