Wednesday 01th November 2023
Location: St John’s Senior School
Ballybought Street Pennefatherslot, Kilkenny R95 NH66 Kilkenny Ireland
Kilkenny Recreation & Sports Partnership will deliver 2 Learn To Cycle programmes over Halloween 2023. This is a mixed ability group open to all children between 6 and 17 years. There will be two sessions. Session one from 2pm to 3pm is for children aged 5-7 years. Session two from 3pm to 4pm will be for children 8 years +. The tickets here are for Session two from 3pm to 4pm for children aged 8 years and over. Please see other Eventbrite post for tickets for Session one for younger children.
The venue is the school yard in St John’s Senior School, Ballybought St, Pennefatherslot, Kilkenny (R95 NH66) and the dates are November 1st, 2nd and 3rd. There will be two sessions each day and please register your child for the session according to age.
PLEASE NOTE: Children must have a properly working bike or balance bike for this programme. The brakes and gears must work properly. The tyres must be correctly inflated (see side of tyre for this information). Do not send your child to the programme with any of the above missing. ALL children will be required to wear a helmet for the programme – no exceptions. NOTE: if your child has a bike and is not yet cycling, please remove the pedals before the first session. Each session lasts one hour and turning up with issues with the bike takes away from tuition time and holds up the session for all the other children and the tutors.
Organisers Website